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EVENT UKRAINE, a colorful intellectual lifestyle magazine, offers its readers the unique content that meets their interests, social status, and lifestyle. Exclusive interviews, careful selection of personalities, speakers and recognized experts make up the original content.
Event Ukraine is a magazine for those who like to spend time actively, looking for new experiences and emotions. Here you will find the information about performances, movies and books, useful trainings, interesting cities and countries. Our experts will advise you how to stay fit and maintain yourself in great shape. Our interviews allow readers to communicate “face to face” with outstanding contemporaries and get first-hand recommendations.
Briefly about the edition
• Format: A4.
• Number of pages: 130
• Frequency: 6 issues per year.
• Price: 100 UAH per copy.
How to buy and receive?
To order the latest issue of our magazine, just fill out the form below.
The shipping cost is calculated according to the tariff of the carrier of your choice and is paid additionally.
Editor’s contacts:
office 106, 23, Preobrazhenska str, Kyiv, Ukraine
Phone: +380 44 585 35 75